Open | 4720.00 | Volume | 147357 |
High | 4795.00 | Value | 702542180.34 |
Low | 4711.55 | VWAP | 4767.62 |
Avg Price | 4747.15 | MarketCap | 1147026868966.80 |
LTP | 4762.05 | 52 week High | 6469.90 |
Prev Close | 4737.70 | 52 week Low | 4506.00 |
Price change | 24.35 | % change | 0.51 |
Year Ending | 2021-03-31 | Current Reserves | 32673400000 |
Current Equity | 240868296 | EPS | 73.0702 |
Book Value | 136.6484 | Beta | 0 |
PE | 47.379 | PB | 25.335 |
Dividend Yield | 4.54 | Market Cap | 834897687595.2 |
CompanyName | Britannia Industries Ltd. | Short Name | Britannia Ind. |
Sector | Food Processing | Industry | Food Processing & Packaging |
Business Group | MNC Associate | CINNo | L15412WB1918PLC002964 |
Incorporation Date | 1918-03-21 | First Public Issue Date | |
Incorporation Year | 1918 | First Public Issue Year |
Ticker | BritaniaInds | ISIN Code | INE216A01030 | |
Description | Britannia Industries Ltd. | Security Type | Equity Share | |
Issue Price | 0 | Date Of Issue | ||
Face Value | 1 | Date Of Expiry | ||
Market Lot | 1 |
Date | Series | Open | High | Low | ClosePrce | T.Volume | T.Value | No.Trades | Delivery Vol | Delivery percent | Volatility | Annualised Volatality |